Java Unknown Facts..!!

Did you know, in how many ways you can declare an integer array..??

Maybe you are not aware of it..!!

1. int[] a= new int[10];    // Preffered and comon way
2. int a []= new int[10];  //Correct but not usually preferred

Does Java accepts the following things..??
int [] a [] = new int [2][2];   //Do it yourself
int  a [][] = new int [2][2];   //Do it yourself

The answer is you can..!! Java compiler does not throw any error in above ways..!!
Cool isn't it??
A Java programmer knows how to declare methods, write constructors, initialize variables but the following one seems to be strange but, it is valid..!!

3. (){ /***/ } 
4. ()[] { /***/ }
5. []() { /***/ }

Can we write 1 or 2 or 3 in Java program and not expecting a compiler error..??
Before you check the answer TRY it out..!!

None of them(3 or 4 or 5) gives you an error..!!
Here is the reason Let's consider an example :1
FYI: you can write a method as
        someReturnType -> eg: int []
Method have an opening ({) and closing ({ ) parenthesis with some statements in it.

Example 3,4,5 satisfies all the 3 conditions so for that reason you won't be getting an error..!!

All in all, (){/**/} is valid in Java and compiler does not throw any error..!!

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